Example sketches for the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

Moderator: igrr

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By Ray Alderman
#27130 Ah Ha!

Victory is mine!

I finally got it to work. Took a while, I had to disconnect the I2C SDA/SDL wires and have a pull down resistor on GPIO0 for the ESP-01 to start programming. I got very tired of the Arduino IDE telling me it had a programming error. I have four ESP-01 boards and they all failed consistently. After figuring out the issues, turns out that all four are A-OK.

The bamboo box is a 5V power supply with amp meter that I have plugged into a 3.3V regular on the breadboard.

The ESP-01/OLED is pulling 76mA at that very moment.

Time to build a dedicated ESP-01 programming board and just swap it in and out.

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By jpatrick62
#31566 Great job - I've had a terrible time trying to get the SSD1306 library to work with the 8266-12E using SPI. I thing I'll punt and try the I2C version of the OLED since I've uncovered some real issues using the SPI version. Thanks Mucho!
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By danbicks
#31595 Patrick,

Glad to be of assistance. This method works perfectly, also has the advantage in that by using I2C you can add additional devices to the same 2 wire bus not wasting any more I/O pins :)

Good luck with your project.
