Example sketches for the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

Moderator: igrr

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By jpatrick62
#32369 Dan, nice job - I did the SPI version using the SSD1306 library for an OLED. Really helpful to have the ESP8266-12E if you are using SPI and you want some free GPIO for other things.
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By picstart
#32374 Wow,
This code actually compiled using Arduino 1.6.5. Sadly this doesn't happen often enough due to the massive dependencies between the SDK and the esp8266 arduino IDE. Adding to the mix you have commercially sourced libraries written for every piggy back board imaginable that require pages of overloading and oodles of nested includes that make it tiresome to debug when they inevitably fail on a board like the esp8266 that is often purchased independently.
It may be time for esp8266 to branch by standardizing the Esp82666 Arduino IDE and having its own libraries . Libraries not subject to commercial demands.
The dependency between the Arduino IDE version and the specific SDK versions it works with need to be identified.
Maybe the esp8266 Arduino IDE could test the SDK for compatibility as part of compiling.

It was really nice to see code compile without modification. The code is very easy to follow due to its precise focus on the esp8266 and the OLED and not bloated with support for a dozen other configurations that don't apply. I would in the OLED init document the specific controller the OLED init supports.
Again Wow...code that works out of the box. Good work.
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By danbicks
#32378 Picstart, thank you kindly, yes the focus on this was strictly OLED and ESP and avoiding the use of over inflated library's.

Glad you like the work.

Kind regards

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By fats699
#33445 hi guys i need help was trying to upload this and keep getting "'StartUp_OLED' was not declared in this scope"
any help would be great

Regards Martin