Example sketches for the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

Moderator: igrr

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By Bauerbyter
#19810 Hi,
unfortunately, I dont know much about webprogramming, so i have to ask you some question :-D
First: the ESP8266 Arduino IDE is awesome! I tried it and controlling the WS2812 direktly over the esp-01 works like a charm.
But now i want the esp to "host" a webpage to control the WS2812. I think of a colorpicker and a brightness-slider and some Buttons for special animations. But as mentioned i'm a webnoob :-D So can you give me pleas a example or explain me, how i manipulate the GPIOs over the hostet page?

Thanks a lot.
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By andrew melvin
#19875 Give these binaries a blast.... its what you are after. Will drive around 300-400 LEDs. You specify the pin and number of LEDs on the web page.

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/126 ... Server.zip

Uses the neopixelbus library.

makes an AP on first boot, join it go to and enter your wifi details.

unfortunately its still early stages and its all dependent on modifications to libraries that i've made adjustments to, so i can't really just upload the sketch, as it won't work plus it is in a right state / work in progress. Let me know how you get on.