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By schufti
#63924 code is in flash rom that everyone could desolder and read. so -> NO.

some time ago there was rumour about "secure booting" from SD-card, but ... maybe user "rudy" knows more.
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By rudy
schufti wrote:code is in flash rom that everyone could desolder and read. so -> NO.

some time ago there was rumour about "secure booting" from SD-card, but ... maybe user "rudy" knows more.

Different "rudy" you are thinking of. But I agree with you that since the code is in external flash it can be read. On the ESP-12 like modules, with connections to the flash chip available on the bottom of the module, you don't even have to unsolder anything. Just connect to the pins, hold the ESP8266 in reset, and you should be able to read the flash.

I have given this a little thought and the best idea I have thought was to have traps in the code if the device has the wrong MAC address. Not great, but there are few options.