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Re: Need help running file system library with images/css/js

PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 9:16 pm
by rudy
That is what I am saying. I used the example async sketch with the data folder loaded from the led sketch. I was surprised that it worked. I tried to compile the led code but because of the missing library it failed. But the data folder is just a transfer.

I just did it again. This time I renamed the original data directory in the ESP_AsyncFSBrowser directory and then copied the data directory from the fastled sketch so that it was the new data directory with the fastled web page. I did the transfer and then that web page came up. There was one error when looking at the network view with the developer tools. But that didn't stop the page from coming up or from moving the slider and pushing the button. The point being that it didn't crash and the file sizes were pretty big. But there were not a lot of files.

Re: Need help running file system library with images/css/js

PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 10:51 pm
by rudy
I took a data directory from a different sketch that I had assembled. I had used a standard web server and not the async one. It used to choke all the time on a page that had 10 files. It would be slow or most often one or two of the image files would never load.

So I took that and I used it with the async server sketch. I still got some delayed loads but it always did end up loading. I did a screen capture of one sample to show the file sizes (very small) and the load times.


This was typical. I would see some transfered quickly and one or two that took a lot longer. But they still loaded.

I think the problem is the number of simultaneous connections and not the file size. But the async version was still much better than the regular server library I used before.

I had looked into javascript code that would not request additional files until the current requests were complete. I feel that is the correct solution.

Re: Need help running file system library with images/css/js

PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 8:53 am
by Th3On3Fr33man
Alright so I think I've solved most, if not all of my issues by updating the libraries, including using the git version of the esp8266 library found here: https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino

I also had to update my functions to match the example found in the new libraries.

So thank you everyone for your assistance.