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Re: Computer does not recognize NodeMCU

PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2019 7:13 am
by rex.vk3pk@gmail.com
The above tip regarding dialout is a good one. I don't remember how many times I have been caught out.
If the OP found that that was a problem , or if they found some issue, it would be great if they came back and let us know.

Whenever I buy a board I usually buy at least two or three, as I will use them . but more importantly a single one can be faulty and then you are between a rock and a hard place.
I recently bought 5 NodeCU's from China Two worked! One had to be re flashed before it would work and two refused to work. I did some testing on the latter two and conclude the ESP8266-12 modules were not working. With great difficulty I replaced the modules and the boards both work now.

The soldering on them is often poor and on some D1 modules they needed additional solder & re flowing.