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Re: Help!! Im going crazy with this ESP8266

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 10:35 am
by Glenn Ng
SoC wrote:add the Carriage Return / New Line in your arduino terminal. and use baudrate which give you a readable echo of what you send

Yea, tried that too.. nothing came out... just doesn't have any response.

Re: Help!! Im going crazy with this ESP8266

PostPosted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 7:54 am
by Dennis
1) the wiring tutorial from your 1st link shows how to wire up the esp8266 for firmware updates (GPIO-0 to GND), you will not see anything in the terminal this way (but you can upgrade firmware when you have it wired like this). If you want to interact with the esp8266 by issuing AT commands in the serial console, then disconnect GPIO0 from GND and then power-cycle the thing. BTW, the arduino just serves as a "dumb" serial>usb bridge here, so you mustn't load any code to it besides an empty sketch.

2) what do you expect from the sketch in the 2nd link? It will not give you the esp8266 output via usb (since the hardware serial is used for communication arduino<>esp8266), instead you will need to connect an FTDI serial breakout to pins 10 and 11 where you can connect to a software serial console and watch for debug messages from the arduino (not from the esp8266).

3) precisely what do you want to accomplish with your esp8266 module? you can control it with code running on an arduino (then the arduino sketch must take care of the whole serial console output), or you can connect the module to a serial port directly and send AT commands to it, just to see how things work.

My recommendation would be to first make sure you have it wired up correctly and the module is working, you can do so by connecting directly to it, figuring the baud rate etc settings, and successfully send AT command and get response), and then in a second step you can write a sketch to communicate with the module...


Re: Help!! Im going crazy with this ESP8266

PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 11:25 pm
by Yusaf
hey there
i am using esp8266 for the first time,
when i connect it to the PC with FTDI USB to serial cable, for the first time to talk to it using AT commands on Docklight (terminal), http://www.docklight.de/
it isn't responding to the AT commands. :?:

i have made the following connections:
VCC (via 5V to 3.3 regulator) VCC
----- CH_PD to VCC via 1K pull up
RST, GPIO0 & 2 are floating.

i have tried 9600, 57600 and 115200 baud rates.

can anyone help please?

Re: Help!! Im going crazy with this ESP8266

PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 12:22 pm
by Glenn Ng
Hey all! Sorry for the long hiatus...
But i got it figured out when i plugged in Ch_PD to VCC...
Now i have a whole new different issue. which i would like to share. Probably on another topic.