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By rippatec
#48524 Hi,
I seem to have an issue when swapping between my mac and Windows.
On my macbook (osx 10.8.5) I have a windows-7 virtual machine and it has the windows version of arduino 1.6.9 and the GIT copy of the ESP8266 extension from 4th June.
The macbook side has the same arduino and ESP8266 setup but the OSX versions.

Using the same source files, I can compile and load (serial and OTA) on both systems without errors but the code produced from the windows compile works. The OSX code loads and runs but when accessing the target esp8266 board with a web browser, the esp8266 crashes, stack-dumps and reboots whereas the windows compiled version seems to be fine. All my webserver functionality on the target system is good with the windows compiled version.
The OSX compiled version is not 'completely' dead. Lots of the functionality works. I have only found accessing the ESP8266 by webserver and sending a 'page' of data stored in the manner PAGE_rootpage[] PROGMEM = R"=====( page here! )=====";
This causes the crash.
whereas: server.on ("/SysCon.html", []() { Serial.println("Syscon"); server.send(200, "text/html", "Not implemented yet!"); });
works fine, as does any other handler where the response text is in the "server.on" line of code.

I tried exporting the OSX produced binary and manually uploaded it with the windows ESPTOOL.exe but it still crashes in the same way.

This is not a recent issue, it goes back quite a number of months with different arduino/ESP versions but I have just recently realised it is an actual issue and not just bad code on my part (my initial thought).
I travel away a lot and when at home use windows but when away my macbook and arduino on the mac as it runs faster.
Till now I had thought that I 'broke' the code and then spend ages trying to find what I did wrong but just lately I realised and confirmed that there is a difference.

I have done some google searching about this but have not found other similar problems so I'm a bit lost about this one.
Any help would be most appreciated. I'm very much a learner so I may just be trying to do something wrong.

- The test sketch (3 files) compiled in windows, the web pages work OK.
Compiled in my Macbook, the sketch crashes on web page access (as described above)
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