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By forlotto
#48652 Interesting stuff now if one were to integrate solar into the mix charging the power source this would likely be able to run itself forever or until the batteries died I see that the 3.7v usb lipo charges are really cheap under a dollar throw that in some weather proof casing along with a stack of lipo batteries connected to a solar panel you could build something that would run all day on the cheap and never have to worry about charge situations with a clear view of the southern sky. Heck you could take it to the next level and just go out and buy a charge controller a 140watt panel and an AGM battery and run a crap ton of stuff if need be... Anyhow just all cool stuff to read. I'd likely opt for the lipo thing a heck of a lot cheaper, smaller etc...
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By Gawan
#48654 Ok, I see.

I have to decouple the supplying part (3.3V from battery pack to WeMos) and the sensor part (3.3V from battery pack to Converter and then to Sensor).

Is there a huge difference if I use a transistor or a relay or an optocoupler ?