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Esp8266 is corrupt after several sleep cycle

PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2018 10:54 am
by henry42
My board is esp8266 12f, and code it using arduino ide.
My program flow is just like: start up, connect wifi, read data and send data, deep sleep 1 minute and start up again.
Maybe one day or more, it will be corrupt without any signs at all , it is indeed dead and I can not wake it up even I repower it.
when I connect the serials, it only print some unrecognizable characters (I tried lots of baud rate)
The only way I can do is flash it , and it will work properly again.

I do not know how to debug it, because there is nothing to find out why, anyone has an idea? :o
thanks very much.

Re: Esp8266 is corrupt after several sleep cycle

PostPosted: Tue Dec 25, 2018 4:45 pm
by kenn
I have a test sketch that wakes up from deep sleep every 5 min, reporting the temp etc from a BME280, and it's been running for MONTHS without crashing. So you probably have some error like a memory leak. Try adding some serial debugging statements that report the free memory just before the ESP goes into deep sleep. If the memory decreases after every sleep... you gotta leak.