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By solano8
#85326 I have seen numerous examples of ESP8266 controlling units with IR recievers (Heat Pumps, AirCondition Units, TV etc.) This time I would like do the opposite; to control my ESP8266 from Harmony Hub Remote. My ESP is plugged into a Triple Base with Wemos IR Shield and two relay shields. My goal is to control the relays with buttons on Harmony remote and also integrate them with Harmony Activities.

I believe this can be solved with a Switch case where incoming ir message is compared to predefined messages to trigger actions on relays.

Using the IRrecvDumpV2 example from IRremoteESP8266 by crankyoldgit gives me codes both in raw and hex format.

What I have been struggling with the most so far is that the remote seems to sends variable messages from the same button (both content and size), so it is hard to predefine messages to compare incoming messages with. It might be the time the button is pressed that defines the message and/or there might be some built-in encoding of the message.

Have any of you done something similar and found a way to solve this?
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By solano8
#85382 After some research I decided to throw away the IR shield and instead use Node Red (on RPi3) with a Harmony Hub node installed. So now I can trigger the relays on Wemos D1 mini with mqtt messages coming from Node Red. Works as intended! :) FYI...