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RTOS using the Arduino IDE

PostPosted: Fri May 01, 2020 10:11 am
by jonoboy9
I am using the Arduino IDE to program the ESP8266.
I now need to start to use RTOS to create Tasks for an eventual port onto the ESP32 to use twin cores. (I do know that the ESP8266 is single core)
From what I have read, Arduino_FreeRTOS is for AVR only and not the ESP8266. Is this correct?
Is it also correct to say, that the Arduino IDE can not be used for development using RTOS
For someone who has only used the Arduino IDE for development, I would appreciate the best way to start using RTOS on the ESP8266 on the windows platform. Sites I have come across seem to be only for the Linux platforms.
I really appreciate some help. Many thanks