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By mrburnette
JimDrew wrote:Nobody knows how to access the API through the Arduino IDE?

I answered prematurely and did not read deep enough back in the thread to get the correct context for you question. Regrets... a bad habit of mine.

That being said, there is the gdbstuf.c which creates the function:
Code: Select allstatic void ATTR_GDBINIT install_uart_hdlr() {
   ets_isr_attach(ETS_UART_INUM, uart_hdlr, NULL);
   ets_isr_unmask((1<<ETS_UART_INUM)); //enable uart interrupt

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By JimDrew
#49302 Ray, thanks for the response. I am not sure that this will actually work with the Arduino IDE though. I will look into the gdbstuf.c file though.