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By MahdiPourlotfi
#96200 hi
i have esp8266 project and use "wifi.h" library to create local wifi network between other esp modules
how i can detect from server (esp in ap mode) that which station(mac address) want connect to network but has wrong password

i use this events but was not true answer : :oops:
Code: Select allvoid onProbeRequestPrint(const WiFiEventSoftAPModeProbeRequestReceived &evt);

void onStationDisconnected(const WiFiEventSoftAPModeStationDisconnected &evt);

void onStationConnected(const WiFiEventSoftAPModeStationConnected &evt);
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By rooppoorali
#96237 You can use the onStationAuthModeChanged event to detect when a station attempts to authenticate with the access point, and then check if the authentication was successful or not. The onStationAuthModeChanged event is triggered when a station's authentication mode changes, such as when it attempts to connect to the access point. ... Class.html