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By AcmeUK
#15286 When you power up your esp8266 do you see weird text?

That is because when the esp8266 boots the baudrate is 74880, until you change it in your sketch. What you are seeing are boot time messages. These messages can help with debugging.

I prefer to run my sketches at 74880 so that I can see the boot time messages. 74880 is sufficient for most purposes.

So. how do I manage to use the non standard 74880 baud rate?

I use CoolTerm set to run at the 74880 non-standard baud rate by using a simple baudrates.ini file, see here :-

One day the Arduino IDE may support 74880. Until that day arrives.........
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By ToSa
One day the Arduino IDE may support 74880. Until that day arrives.........

If you have your Arduino IDE compiled yourself vs. using the pre-compiled zip file then this is rather easy: just add the desired baudrate to before you start compiling.

Code: Select all    String[] serialRateStrings = {
            "300", "1200", "2400", "4800", "9600",
            "19200", "38400", "57600","74880", "115200"

The SerialMonitor class makes use of the AbstractMonitor and essentially just sets the rate accordingly. As long as the low level driver supports "unusual" baud rates, this should work fine. I've confirmed that it's working fine on a Win7 64bit machine.
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By AcmeUK
#15628 So it is fairly simple to add the 74880 baud rate to the Arduino IDE.

It would be nice if the IDE developers added it to the Windows binarys!

I suspect that most IDE users, like me, have no idea how to modify the source and then compile it.

No, I don't want instructions, life is too short!

It's a pity it can't be achieved by a modifying a simple text file, as with CoolTerm.