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By knovoselic
#20368 Hi all!

I'm trying to use ESP8266WebServer to send a relatively large HTML file (cca 100kB). I can't use SD card, so it has to be stored on the ESP8266 flash. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to do it. I've tried defining const char array (both using large string and byte values), but then I'm getting the following error:

address 0x3fffcea0 of main.cpp.elf section `.bss' is not within region `dram0_0_seg'

I'd appreciate any suggestion on how to proceed. Thanks!
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By knovoselic
#20416 Thanks :)
I've already tried that, but it didn't work because I was using a pointer to the string, like this:
Code: Select allstatic const char ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR *test = ...;

Today after I saw your message I started digging around the code and saw it someplace used like this:

Code: Select allstatic const char ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR test[] = ...;

Now I can compile it, but the web server is returning 0 bytes. If I try to print it, the ESP8266 resets:
Code: Select allets Jan  8 2013,rst cause:4, boot mode:(3,7)

wdt reset
load 0x40100000, len 28780, room 16
tail 12
chksum 0xb7
ho 0 tail 12 room 4
load 0x3ffe8000, len 1532, room 12
tail 0
chksum 0xb3
load 0x3ffe8600, len 2860, room 8
tail 4
chksum 0x3e
csum 0x3e