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By smily77
#23373 I like to display the time with my ESP8266 using the NTP-Time. There are some examples in the forum so this isn't a problem with the Arduino IDE. But all examples uses a fixed IP while I would like to use the ntp server pool but this require to resolve the DNS ( in my case).

How can I do that?
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By martinayotte
#23434 If you look at the example esp8266/libraries/ESP8266WiFi/examples/NTPClient/NTPClient.ino, you will see that it is using WiFi.hostByName(ntpServerName, timeServerIP) function to get the IP of the NTP server and then calling sendNTPpacket(timeServerIP) provided in the sketch followed by a udp.parsePacket()
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By SwiCago
#23463 Check this guys post...
proteus74 wrote:Hi,

for those, who are interested:
I've build an easy webconfig system for the ESP.

Features :
    Easy configuration of IP-Address, Netmask, Gateway, SSID and password for your router
    Build-In NTP Client (especially when you want to build a clock), with timezome and daylight saving support
    Realtime clock structure for having a convinient way to access the date/time
    Turn On/Off things at a given time (e.g. for lamps)
    Administration-page will not be accessible after a given time in ESP AP-Mode
    Simple AJAX Support (microajax)
    HTML pages can be added in a differnt (.h-) file and are stored in Progmem. ... -webconfig

Feel free to use it in your projects.
