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Re: Sketches will upload but don't run

PostPosted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 4:32 pm
by PaulRB
I've isolated the two power sources. The USB now powers only the serial adaptor and the other power supplies only the ESP. But they still have a common ground.

Unfortunately this has not changed the situation at all, I can still upload but the sketch will not run.

I have spotted something I can't explain, perhaps someone can. When the sketch should be running, and during sketch upload, GPIO0 measures around 1.7V~2.1V on my DMM. GPIO2 is rock steady at 3.3V. If I hold down my reset button, GPIO0 also measures 3.3V. The last sketch I had running used GPIO0 as the SDA line of the i2c bus. Could this be a clue?

I am going to order a replacement esp-01 and an esp-12 to continue my project.

Re: Sketches will upload but don't run

PostPosted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 4:58 pm
by kolban
By any chance do you have a second USB->UART? If so, connect GPIO2 to the RX pin of the converter and attach a serial monitor to that serial port. I use that set up for diagnostics.

See also this chat room thread for Mr Wuschli ... his problem sounds awfully similar to yours ...


Re: Sketches will upload but don't run

PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 12:56 am
by PaulRB
Neil, I don't have a second serial adaptor, perhaps i should add one to my shopping list. But even if i did, what makes you think i might see serial data on gpoio0?

I have tried to interpret the garbage I see on serial monitor when reset is pressed. Makes no sense at any baud I can set in serial monitor, but I have read that it may be using 74880 baud. How can I select that? I might try "screen /dev/ttyUSB0 74880"

The problem on that thread does sound similar to mine, and on that occasion, replacing the esp did not cure it, which worries me. I should have a replacement esp01 by the weekend.

I also intended to but an esp-03, esp-07 or esp-12, but notice there are now esp-12e available. Which would you recomend? Does only the 12 have the ability to wake itself from deep sleep, and an analog input?

Re: Sketches will upload but don't run

PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 1:27 pm
by PaulRB
Replacement ESP-01 arrived. Unfortunately, it behaves exactly the same as the first.

On the positive side, that may well mean there is nothing wrong with my original ESP-01! Such a shame I can't get either to run a sketch...

I am working on the laptop, I was never able to get a sketch to run on ESP-01 with the laptop, even though the upload process appears to go perfectly. I will try on the desktop PC later this evening or tomorrow, but it seems unlikely to make a difference.

I have tried the stable and staging installs (again).

Can anyone please suggest something I could try?