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[HELP] ESP8266 Arduino with ESP-01 and MQTT

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 1:52 pm
by vazquezjm
Hi All.

I'm planning the attached solution for my home automation/control project. Basically a bunch of ESPs connected to a RPi through MQTT.

I'm stuck in the implementation of the MQTT client (ESP modules). I looked at Tuan MP's project but it is not designed to work on the Arduino ESP8266 IDE and I'm not sure if it would the best option having my plan scope in mind.

I started with the idea of using an Arduino on each node (Arduino+ESP). The Arduino would handle the logic and ESP the WiFi connection, but I guess it is overkill for what I'm trying to do. Plus, it is more expensive and consumes more power per node.

Any suggestions?



Re: [HELP] ESP8266 Arduino with ESP-01 and MQTT

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 3:15 am
by tommybee
Hi Jose,
i'm using this Library and it works fine. :mrgreen:


Give it a try, there are some Samples included that show you how to use.

Re: [HELP] ESP8266 Arduino with ESP-01 and MQTT

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 5:11 am
by stb
I'm using the PubSub library as well, and mosquitto as a broker. Can heartily recommend it.

Re: [HELP] ESP8266 Arduino with ESP-01 and MQTT

PostPosted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 9:11 am
by vazquezjm
Looks like that's all I need.

Do you have working example? Wiring and so on?
