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Esp8266 01 with digital input

PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 7:21 pm
by _roni
I'm reading a 433Mhz Transmitter message through a receiver to my arduino, and then i want to send it with DigitalWrite to my Esp so i can POST it to my web server. Does the esp take in a digital input? How can it be read?

I dont see any digital pins here: https://arduino-info.wikispaces.com/fil ... Pinout.png

Thanks for the help!

Re: Esp8266 01 with digital input

PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 10:19 pm
by _roni
Im thinking about using an arduino to esp serial connection to send this value. Thoughts?

Re: Esp8266 01 with digital input

PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 10:28 pm
by kolban
I think you have a lot of options available to you. The ESP8266 does indeed have GPIO pins (digital input and output). Today, you can write applications in C, JavaScript, Basic, Lisp, Python, Lua and others than will run natively on the ESP8266 and probably (opinion) be faster than running natively on an Arduino. These applications can poll GPIOs or be interrupt driver or use protocols like SPI and I2C to get data. Since the applications are running on the ESP8266, they also have complete access to the WiFi and TCP/IP software stacks also present.

Alternatively, you can continue to use your Arduino and use the ESP8266 as a network module and drive the ESP8266 through serial using the AT command processor or other mechanism.

But to give a simple answer to your question ... yes ... an ESP-01 has digital inputs. At least two GPIOs are available to you ... GPIO0 and GPIO2. However you must take care of their initial input values when the ESP8266 boots as those values are used by the ESP8266 to control its boot mode. However, after boot, they can be general GPIOs.