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Moderator: igrr

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By DAFlippers
#31736 My expectation would be that if someone spots a feature that is available in Arduino but there is a problem with the implementation in ESP8266 then someone should handle the report.

Once verified the response might be to submit for resolution, recommend workaround or simply log it as not supported. A list of known features would be helpful.

Are my expectations too high?

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By kolban
#31744 I would imagine that if one finds a defect with the Arduino/ESP8266 support, one would then create an Issue on Github here:

After first validating that an existing issue doesn't already exist. From there, it would be "formally" logged against the software.

As for eventual resolution, what I have to remember is that most open source projects are performed by folks in their free time for the benefit of the community. As such, one should have no expectations as to when or if a problem will be resolved. Open source projects are, by definition, community based and only perpetuate because good folks donate their time. For some project, if your explicit need for a solution is extremely high, you can offer to pay for resolution and that might entice some community members to work on that fix before others. However, this would normally be a private transaction and not related to the Open source project as a whole. You would basically be saying ... "I see we have an open source project with a problem. I don't have time or skills to assist ... however ... I am willing to pay someone to stand in for me as a community member and get it fixed sooner".
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By kolban
#31749 We live in a world awash in information. A forum is a great place for discussions ... while a Github Issue is a place to track a validated problem from report to conclusion.

If I run an open source app and it fails ... hopefully I get a message or a clue. Next I want to determine if this is something I broke because I am not using it correctly or else is it a bug in the software itself. That is a good time for a forum post. Hopefully then others may say "I saw the same, and fixed it by ..." or "We say this before and issue #123 was created ..." ... or "Wow ... that's ugly, I tried it myself and reproduced ... I'd say that this is an internal bug, go ahead and create a Github issue".