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Moderator: igrr

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By Dragorwyin
#32068 Hi everyone!
I have a problem with long commands in Software Serial port.
I've got a simple program, which is reading my commands in SerialPort monitor and write that command with answer from ESP8266. Everything is fine, but when I'm trying write longer command for example AT+CIPSTART="TCP"... then i can see in serialport monitor that there is problem with read properly command by ESP (garbage command).
I changed baud from 115200 to 9600 and other baud rates but nothing help.

Do you know what else can I do?
I used voltage divider on Arduino tx to get 3.3v (10kOhm and 20kOhm).

I hope that someone got same problem and know the answer :)
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By mrburnette
#32112 Oops...
You are in the "ArduinoIDE" section of the forum... Here "Arduino" is intended to mean compiling the programming sketch under the Arduino IDE and then loading that into the ESP8266.

There is a separate forum section for "AT" commands. You will likely get much faster responses by posting here:

Good luck,
