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By Dageso
#35657 HI,

I want to if it is possible to upload data from the esp2866's ADC to a SQL database via the arduino ide with out using an arduino board (using the esp2866 as the microcontroller).

thanks in advance
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By Dageso
#35711 hi,

i want to read the adc which is getting data from a current sensor then i want to use the data and upload it to a sql data base then i am going to create a website which shows the data in the form of the graph

i would like to know how i can connect the esp to the data base as i am using the esp's adc

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By martinayotte
#35725 That depends of how your SQL server could receive the data. This server need to provide some kind of interface for the clients. It could be an HTTP server which receive HTTP request and then store parameters/data of the request into the database. But it could be also simple TCP server receiving data thru simple connection in plain text.
So, in other words, you need to define some protocol.