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Re: Homie for ESP8266 - Ease your MQTT development

PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 10:35 am
by Marvin Roger
You need Arduino for ESP8266 >= 2.1.0.

Re: Homie for ESP8266 - Ease your MQTT development

PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 6:39 am
by Hoka
hi Marvin
I have just begun to get interested in MQTT and saw homie on GitHub, I downloaded the 1.5.0 release and added it to my Arduino(1.6.9) libraries. when I try to verify the door sensor sketch I get:
D:\Arduino\libraries\homie-esp8266-1.5.0\src/Homie/MqttClient.hpp:4:26: fatal error: PubSubClient.h: No such file or directory
#include <PubSubClient.h>
the board I used was generic ESP8266 module
Have I done something wrong ??
the lib looks really interesting and I'm quite excited about trying out MQTT

Re: Homie for ESP8266 - Ease your MQTT development

PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 3:22 am
by grhhm
Hi Marvin,

OTA over MQTT issue here.
Accordingly to documentation of release 2.0.0, the valid setup can be:
Workstation -- MQTT-broker -- Homie-over-ESP.

Broker sees the ESP as:
Code: Select allshm/rls0/$stats/interval 0
shm/rls0/$fw/name awesome-relay
shm/rls0/$fw/version 1.0.0
shm/rls0/$fw/checksum 1d586180790690710f5c0d65f8198024
shm/rls0/$implementation esp8266
shm/rls0/$implementation/config {"wifi":{"ssid":"trololo"},"mqtt":{"host":"","port":1883,"base_topic":"shm/","auth":false},"name":"remote light 0","ota":{"enabled":true},"device_id":"rls0"}
shm/rls0/$implementation/version 2.0.0
shm/rls0/$implementation/ota/enabled true
shm/rls0/light/$type switch
shm/rls0/light/$properties on:settable
shm/rls0/$online true
shm/rls0/$stats/signal 78

Runnint ota_updated from the workstation to the broker:
Code: Select all# python ota_updater.py -l -i rls0 .pioenvs\esp12e\firmware.bin
Connecting to mqtt broker on port 1883
Connected with result code 0
Waiting for device to come online...

No more progress.

Tcpdump shows there are MQTT packets sent from the broker to Homie.
On some reason, Homie does not receive or does not respond to incoming MQTT.

Reports from Homie:
Code: Select allshm/rls0/light/on true
shm/rls0/light/on false

Broker sees reports. And variables are settable. However
Code: Select allmosquitto_pub -t shm/rls0/light/on -m false
(or true) gives nothing. Tried with quotes and double quotes too.

What do I miss in the documentation?

Should I explicitly add to my sketch the OTA and MQTT treatment? (I thought it comes with Homie by default).

Thank you.