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By Mai Mariarti
#41056 I don't know anything about web stuff.
I programmed PICs in hitech c for 5 years and it was before arduinos even existed.
ideally, I would like to write a simple program in C, to monitor GPIO2 and when it goes high, it means the IR sensor has detected motion, and send out a command to the other ESP8266, and tell it to turn on its LED bank.
I know it sounds simple and it would be, if it wasn't for gizillion versions of firmware, crappy YouTube videos, and Chinglish documentation.
I thought it would be a one day project. That was a week ago and I am not getting any closer to getting this thing to work :(
I have very little hair left now....
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By martinayotte
#41057 If you wish to go to something simple, I would say go for a simple Telnet TCP Server with simple text command parser along with Telnet client when one ESP needs to send commands to the other. Both ESPs will have the same firmware.
So, take a look at WiFiTelnetToSerial, remove the Serial stuff, except maybe few debug print, and merge it with WiFiClient, which will provide basic for Telnet Client simply by removing HTTP request and replace it by the shell commands such "LED-ON", etc. Of course both Server/Client will connect to same port number. Normal Telnet is port 23.
With those examples, you should be able to have your project done in a couple of hours.
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By Mai Mariarti
#41072 I think I need to study about these internet stuff.
Since I don't know what telnet even is, I think I'll use a 900 MHz radio along with a pro mini on each side for now. That's more up my alley. It sure would've been nice ti have such a small module do everything. I am sure it can do a lot more, but I don't know how yet.
Also, searching Google about problems with compiling and uploading to ESP using Arduino IDE, only shows me, that there are a lot more confused people than I thought.
Thanks for your help though.