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Arduino 1.6.7 says NodeMCU v2 is unknown

PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 8:23 pm
by DickA
I just installed 1.6.7 in my Windows 7 computer using the Windows installer recommended on the Arduino Reference download page. I hooked up my NodeMCU 1.0 (aka v2), chose the same board from the Boards Manager list, and tried to compile/upload several of my sketches as well as Example sketches. I got two error messages in all cases:

"Board nodemcuv2 (platform esp8266, package esp8266) is unknown"

"Invalid library found in C:\Users\Dick\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Xarduino_779497:

I was previously using 1.6.5 with no problems. I did a Windows uninstall of 1.6.5 before installing 1.6.7.

Will appreciate help.

Re: Arduino 1.6.7 says NodeMCU v2 is unknown

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 2:29 am
by schufti
if you had done a board search for 1.6.7 you wouldn't have had to ask.
just reinstall 1.6.5 and wait until Igrr states that esp board manager is compatible with 1.6.7 (or up).

Re: Arduino 1.6.7 says NodeMCU v2 is unknown

PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 9:27 am
by DickA
I decided to re-install Arduino 1.6.5, including ESP8266 boards. To perhaps help someone else with re-installation I have documented the procedure below:


If Arduino is running, close it.

To download the Windows installer, enter this address in your browser:

https://downloads.arduino.cc/arduino-1. ... indows.exe

Click on the downloaded file to run it and follow directions to install Arduino 1.6.5.
You should be able to allow the file erasure and USB driver install options.

Note: The USB driver may already be installed. I installed it, but It took a long time on my computer. To verify this procedure I also installed Arduino on my wife's computer; it never did complete the install and I had to force closure. Oddly enough Arduino then worked OK. So be prepared for possible funny stuff.

Click on the Arduino icon in your desktop window to open Arduino 1.6.5.

Click on File/Preferences to bring up the Preferences window. In the Additional Board Manager URLs field enter this address:

http://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/packa ... index.json

and click on OK to make the first step to put all of the ESP8266 boards in the Board manager.

Then click on Tools, slide down to Board, slide right to Board Manager, and click on it to enter.

In Board Manager scan down to esp8266 and click on More Info. Then click on Install.

When all of the ESP8266 boards have installed click on Close.

You can now call up your board in Tools/Board.

Re: Arduino 1.6.7 says NodeMCU v2 is unknown

PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 11:36 am
by schufti
I would suggest to prepare a directory "arduino" where you would like to have the installation. In this prepare a directory "portable". Then start the installation and select the prepared "arduino" Directory. This way you get a compact installation in a single Directory.