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By Creamers
#46419 Maybe an advanced user can help me answer this?

How much time would it cost the ESP8266 to wake up and send a message when it is woken up by an interrupt? ( for example from an external device setting an IO high, like a pir sensor)
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By chaeplin
#46424 I have a wifi button with deepsleep(0) and static ip.

If the button wakes up, it subscribes a topic to check current status of a lamp(retained status), then send a mqtt msg.

Wakeup ---> Wifi connect : 200 ~ 300ms
Wakeup ---> wifi ------> subscribe done : 1.01 ~ 2.01 sec (subscribe takes almost 1 sec).
Wakeup ---> wifi ------> subscribe ----> publish done : 1.2 ~ 2.2 sec. ... millis.png

So without subscribe, at most 500 ~ 600ms.

Wakeup only ? I think it's just a few micro seconds.