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By guardian_de
#46437 Hi,

I'm using an Espduino Board ( to monitor my appartment's power consumption. Three interrupt driven inputs are hooked up to three electricty meters that send one impulse per consumed Watthour.

When the consumption is high and many impulses come in (or after several hours uptime) the ESP reboots. The reset cause is as follows:

Code: Select allrestart reason: Exception, reset info: Fatal exception:0 flag:2 (EXCEPTION) epc1:0x4020216c epc2:0x00000000 epc3:0x00000000 excvaddr:0x00000000 depc:0x00000000

How would I go about to find out where the exception occurred, that is - how do I translate epc1 to a location in my source code?

Thanks for any pointers!