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Re: esp-link - serial bridge to uController with OTA update

PostPosted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 10:34 pm
by tve
Well, yes, there are debug messages until esp-link gets an IP address on the network. I need to work through some of this reset stuff. There are also debug messages issued by the bootloader, which I can't do anything about. If you have a module with many I/O pins it's possible to use different pins for the UART and thereby avoid all debug messages, but not on an esp-01. I'm thinking of keeping the attached uC in reset until all the debug messages are done with.

Re: esp-link - serial bridge to uController with OTA update

PostPosted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 6:05 am
by kriegste
I'm trying to use esp-link to turn one of my projects (controlled via uart) into a IoT device. That was why the debug messages were a problem. After modifying log_init() and calling it earlier in user_init() all messages now go to the html log.
esp-link seems to be the most stable implementation I tried.

A few ideas:

Hostname setting does not seem to work yet, I think (a hard-coded line is commented out). It would be cool if we could define that on the web page. AP mode could use that same string as SSID.

Password protect /wifi and /flash AND make the password configurable on the web page.

And to save a few kB you could change the favicon file. It is 5kB (before compression)!

Re: esp-link - serial bridge to uController with OTA update

PostPosted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 11:50 am
by tve
I'm glad you were able to resolve the log output issue. I'm tweaking the code further, I hope what I end up with will work for you :-).
I'm 80% there configuring the hostname. I'm not planning to change the AP SSID.
I need to think about securing the wifi, flash, and attached uC but I'm not entirely sure how to do that yet. Thanks for the reminder.

Re: esp-link - serial bridge to uController with OTA update

PostPosted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 2:49 pm
by kriegste
Nice. Your work is already very great! And don't worry about all the ideas, I might need even more stuff that is not useful for most people. I may find a way to implement them by myself even if it takes very long... At the moment I am thinking whether it would be best to enable flashing by HTTP download from an external server. I read about your concerns regarding user1 and user2 mixups (btw, could they be integrated into a bigger single file?).
In the long term I need to implement a feature that enables me to flash the uCs firmware as well (it has an uart bootloader) using the web interface (either by POST or download from an external server).

PS: I've seen you're really trying to shrink the binary sizes, even with -ffunction-sections and -fdata-sections, nice!