ESP8266 Webserver Project

Moderator: Sprite_tm

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By Sprite_tm
tve wrote:
Yes, something was missing in the function! I could fix the memory leak by using httpdDisconCb from the current esp-httpd. :D ... re/httpd.c
Thanks, Sprite_tm!!

Bad news is that I had exactly that unmodified code until last week. I had to change it completely because it was causing crashes when hitting F5 rapidly. The crashes were due to the way the esphttpd code deallocates stuff...

So, that bug still is in the official esphttpd code? If so, I may need to dive into your git commit log and port it to esphttpd :)
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By kriegste
#21730 Hitting F5 rapidly on a certain page or did this happen everywhere? I'm asking because I've been hitting F5 excessively to do the tests. I did not experience a single crash. But I also implemented a 5000 byte minimum heap limit yesterday.
The only thing that was annoying while experimenting with changes to httpd.c: I messed up the firmware a couple of times so that it started, but could not re-flash. Since there is no external option to tell the bootloader to boot the old firmware, I had to plug in my serial adapter.

tve, in your tpl files almost always you wrote
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By iothing
#21750 Btw: I just tried phy mode 3 aka 11n. AP+STA mode does not work reliable, did not try STA only - any thougths? Maybe for 11n to work in AP+STA mode the channels of both wifi networks must be the same so that there is no frequency switching required?

I would like to use 11n mode to connect to my AP as the 11g mode of the esp8266 does decrease the performance for all clients (also 11n ones) connected to the AP.