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Patch files

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 3:06 pm
by dzindra
I am posting patch files (one per commit) from my fork here, hoping that @Sprite_tm will merge them to upstream. Hope they will be ok, usually I am sending pull requests on Github.

@Sprite_tm Although I admit that there was quite a lot of changes all of them make sense to me. If you have suggestions or questions, just ask.

Re: Patch files

PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 2:17 am
by Sprite_tm
You could've also made a pull request and send me that. The fact that I'm not on Github doesn't mean that I can't accept pull requests :)

Patches look pretty good. I'll go through them and commit if they apply cleanly.

Edit: Also, next time, could you do bulk file moves and file edits in separate patches? It's pretty hard to see what you've changed if the patch encompasses the entire file because you've also moved it.

Edit edit: The patches don't apply cleanly to the current esphttpd tree. Could you do a rebase and either send me a link to a pull request, or send me new patches?

Re: Patch files

PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 3:27 am
by dzindra
Ok, thanks for reviewing the changes and the tip about moving files. Seems like I'll have to read more about git, I did not know that pull requests can be sent outside Github... :oops: I will get to it and send you fixed files asap.

Edit: I tried to merge my changes to your branch locally and it merged cleanly, so I guess there is some problem in patch files. Anyway, I created pull request file, attaching it.

Re: Patch files

PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 2:14 pm
by martonmiklos
I have posted a patch here previously which allows compression of the static files with GZIP and serving them compressed.
Sprite, you have mentioned that the users not accepting GZIP should have some warning message. The 0001-Added-GZIP-compression-for-static-files.patch
patch adds these features to the current head.

When using large assets (js, css files) developers usually minify an uglify these files to save bandwidth. The 0001-Added-feature-for-compressing-the-assets-js-css-file.patch
integrates this feature using the yui-compressor to the build process. I would definietly not enable this feature because it is not a standard tool on Linux desktops, but if you add it to the head
it might could give some inspiration to other users who want to serve large files.

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns about these patches!