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First time connect to the AP

PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 9:40 pm
by JimBuzbee
I've successfully compiled and flashed the esp-httpd firmware, and when it comes up I see a new AP named "ESP8266". But when I attempt to connect on my macbook, OSX tells me it wants a WPA2 password. I looked in the code, but I don't see where it is set and I couldn't find any documentation on it. Am I missing something? From other people's experiences,it seems as if they are just connecting to an unprotected access point. The following is the serial console output. The "MEM CHECK FAIL" is somewhat concerning...

ll��|�l�|�l�b|����r�b�b��nn�lnn���bp��lrlrlp�n��lbn�|��b��nn�l��l`�nnl`nr���n�lp�n�r�����bn�|���b��nn�l`�nn�lnr���nr��lp�n�r�����lbbn�|�⌎b��nn��l`�nnl`nr���nr��lr��nr��l�ՁMEM CHECK FAIL!!!
�rHttpd init, conn=0x3ffea994

mode : sta(18:fe:34:98:9d:c1) + softAP(1a:fe:34:98:9d:c1)
add if0
dhcp server start:(ip:,mask:,gw:
add if1
bcn 100

When I try an arbitrary password, OSX times out and I see the following in the serial console

add 1
aid 1
station: a4:5e:60:bd:94:2d join, AID = 1
station: a4:5e:60:bd:94:2d leave, AID = 1
rm match
add 1
aid 1
station: a4:5e:60:bd:94:2d join, AID = 1
station: a4:5e:60:bd:94:2d leave, AID = 1
rm match


Re: First time connect to the AP

PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 1:22 am
by Sprite_tm
Could you try flashing blank.bin to address 0x7E000 of the ESP? Maybe it has some remnant AP settings or weird stuff from older SDKs...

Re: First time connect to the AP

PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 6:47 am
by JimBuzbee
Thanks! flashing the blank.bin did the trick. I now have cats!

Re: First time connect to the AP

PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 6:55 pm
by JimBuzbee
All is working now, but as a little follow-up in case anyone has similar problems. What I was working on was these http://www.dx.com/p/esp8266-wi-fi-wireless-serial-port-data-transceiver-module-blue-black-369015.Upon receipt, I dove right in, but was never able to get what I though would be the standard "AT" firmware to respond. I cycled through numerous baud settings, various serial console programs, etc. but I could never get any AT command to respond. So now, I'm wondering if these units had some other firmware on them? They did boot up with a ESP8266 access point, but I could tell nothing else. Anyway, flashing a new firmware and the blank image got me going.