Sming - Open Source framework for high efficiency native ESP8266 development

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By voyager
#16468 Okay,
the installing on the Mac, as described , worked perfect. Even the Eclispe install was okay. I call the Eclispe App and try to import a Sming Example. And here the difficulties start. I really do not know were to start and which file to load and how to flash it to the ESP. Since now i used to work with NodeMCU and the Arduino IDE for the ESP and could get their examples running.
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By danbicks
danbicks wrote:
anakod wrote:
How can I use this method? StationClass::checkConnection()

At first you can set timer and check connection status on every timer call.

Also I want to make some tests about network connection lost and router disconnection, after that I will provide some ideas or, may be automatic server restarting solution (if needed).

Hi anakod,

Thanks for the reply, I have tried to incorporate the checkConnection but can't seem to get the syntax right? Have you a simple sniplet to get me going on this.

Would be really appreciated.

Thanks Dans

Hi Byanakod,

Any updates yet? I really wan to try and get some progress with this. Would be cool if you could give me some examples of how to use the checkconnection function buddy.


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By voyager
#16527 Hi Bydanbicks,
thanks a lot for your help. I did as you suggested. Well all the the projects listed in Sming are now imported. I started loading Basic_Blink. Using 'Build' resulted in a disaster. I the modified the Paths, Directories and the Serial port in the Makefile. But when I again tried to' Build' i got this:

Program "mingw32-make.exe" not found in PATH Basic_Blink C/C++ Problem

That doesn't look like a OS X Command. So what I have done for hours? Can you help me with a small Makefile for OS X as an example and tell me how to solve this exe problem.
Thanks Dan
