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Re: Sming Open Source Framework - native ESP8266 development

PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 11:14 am
by anakod
I found "spiffy.exe" tucked into the NodeLua project

Better to use alonewolfx2 updated spiffy version. After installing from chocolatey it will be installed in target directory. Also, I think, you can just copy it in your project folder or MinGW bin directory, for example.

WS_BINARY_FRAME support would be greatly appreciated.

If you can make Pull Request for that it will be great!

Re: Sming Open Source Framework - native ESP8266 development

PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 5:10 pm
by fabiangl
Hello, I'm having problem with DHT example, I used DHT11 sensor, and Humidity or Temperature aleatory say "DHT Read fail", call them every 5 seconds, but most of the time Humidity got error which is call first in the example. Does anyone know whats going on ?

Re: Sming Open Source Framework - native ESP8266 development

PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 2:33 pm
by marin6061
thehans wrote:Also tried from admin powershell

I have exactly the same problem installing using the automatic process (Chocolatey method)
tried it over several days, on win64 and win32
seems that something is wrong with this process,
and the manual process is not clear enough (for me)

need some help


Re: Sming Open Source Framework - native ESP8266 development

PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 3:14 pm
by fabiangl
Well, I found the problem. The DHT library which is in "C:\tools\sming\Sming\Libraries", has two file. Look into the DHT.h file, and the dht function has three parameters, the last one was adjusted with the constant:
#define COUNT_RECALCULATED_FOR_DEFAULT_ESP_FREQUENCY (6*80/16). This value must change depend on the speed of the cpu. For 80 MHz it works with 15, and with 160 Mhz with 30. Rigth now I am trying to find out the minimun and maximun posible value for both frecuencies.
To make this work, it is necesary to compile again the "libsming.a" to get the DHT modifications to work with the Humidity_DHT22 example.