Can somebody explain the delegate-example
Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 5:27 pm
Hello Board,
could somebody please explain this example?
- What does the "req" mean (reqPin, reqRun, reqinterval)?
- What is the general flow of the program?
- Why would I use it for this purpose?
- How does this structure work (what d8es the colon mean:
LedBlinker(int reqPin) : ledPin(reqPin) {
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
the1 source code:
#include <user_config.h>
#include <SmingCore.h>
class LedBlinker
public :
LedBlinker(int reqPin) : ledPin(reqPin) {
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
bool setTimer(int reqInterval) {
if (reqInterval <= 0) return false;
ledInterval = reqInterval;
return true;
void blink(bool reqRun) {
if (reqRun) {
ledTimer.initializeMs(ledInterval, TimerDelegate(&LedBlinker::ledBlink,this)).start();
else {
void ledBlink () { ledState = !ledState ; digitalWrite(ledPin, ledState);}
private :
int ledPin = 2;
Timer ledTimer;
int ledInterval = 1000;
bool ledState = true;
#define LEDPIN_1 2 // GPIO2
#define LEDPIN_2 4 // GPIO4
LedBlinker myLed1 = LedBlinker(LEDPIN_1);
LedBlinker myLed2 = LedBlinker(LEDPIN_2);
void init()
could somebody please explain this example?
- What does the "req" mean (reqPin, reqRun, reqinterval)?
- What is the general flow of the program?
- Why would I use it for this purpose?
- How does this structure work (what d8es the colon mean:
LedBlinker(int reqPin) : ledPin(reqPin) {
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
the1 source code:
#include <user_config.h>
#include <SmingCore.h>
class LedBlinker
public :
LedBlinker(int reqPin) : ledPin(reqPin) {
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
bool setTimer(int reqInterval) {
if (reqInterval <= 0) return false;
ledInterval = reqInterval;
return true;
void blink(bool reqRun) {
if (reqRun) {
ledTimer.initializeMs(ledInterval, TimerDelegate(&LedBlinker::ledBlink,this)).start();
else {
void ledBlink () { ledState = !ledState ; digitalWrite(ledPin, ledState);}
private :
int ledPin = 2;
Timer ledTimer;
int ledInterval = 1000;
bool ledState = true;
#define LEDPIN_1 2 // GPIO2
#define LEDPIN_2 4 // GPIO4
LedBlinker myLed1 = LedBlinker(LEDPIN_1);
LedBlinker myLed2 = LedBlinker(LEDPIN_2);
void init()