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Re: Sming Open Source Framework - native ESP8266 development

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 8:48 am
by d_anders
Nice! It will be enough. I intend to use it to buffer data to be displayed on a webserver also running on the esp8266. It will not need to be kept very long. Can't wait to get things running and try to port my old Arduino logger.

Re: Sming Open Source Framework - native ESP8266 development

PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 1:18 pm
by Markus Gritsch
Are the Sming Arduino compatible libraries an independent development of IGRR's ESP8266 Arduino IDE https://github.com/esp8266/arduino ?

Re: Sming Open Source Framework - native ESP8266 development

PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 2:35 pm
by Lawrence_jeff
Maybe I'm missing something but eclipse complains about a lot of these examples. I don't think its my environment but just to be sure I just did a clean install of the devkit (win) then downloaded the zip and extracted all the examples to C:\espressif\examples\sming-master\

Eclipse imports them all but lots of the examples give me various errors in eclipse
As an example the HttpServer_Bootstrap
In application.cpp it doesn't like the line HttpServer server;
(Error :The type 'HttpServer' must implement the inherited pure virtual method 'TcpServer::createClient' )
On this line
bool led = request.getQueryParameter("led") == "on";
it tells me Invalid arguments ' Candidates are: String getQueryParameter(String, String) ' as if it expects two arguments but this code only has one

It doesn't like
WifiStation.config(WIFI_SSID, WIFI_PWD);
With Invalid arguments 'Candidates are:bool config(String, String, bool)'

Any ideas - what am I doing wrong? I have modified the non SMING examples without any issues

Re: Sming Open Source Framework - native ESP8266 development

PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 2:47 pm
by Lawrence_jeff
Maybe I'm missing something but eclipse complains about a lot of these examples. I don't think its my environment but just to be sure I just did a clean install of the devkit (win) then downloaded the zip and extracted all the examples to C:\espressif\examples\sming-master\

Eclipse imports them all but lots of the examples give me various errors in eclipse
As an example the HttpServer_Bootstrap
In application.cpp it doesn't like the line HttpServer server;
(Error :The type 'HttpServer' must implement the inherited pure virtual method 'TcpServer::createClient' )
On this line
bool led = request.getQueryParameter("led") == "on";
it tells me Invalid arguments ' Candidates are: String getQueryParameter(String, String) ' as if it expects two arguments but this code only has one

It doesn't like
WifiStation.config(WIFI_SSID, WIFI_PWD);
With Invalid arguments 'Candidates are:bool config(String, String, bool)'

Also some of the includes don't see correct.
for example in user_config.h eclipse can't resolve this one

#include <espinc/lwip_includes.h>
until I correct it relative to the root of the SMING project (so add system/include/)
#include <system/include/espinc/lwip_includes.h>

Any ideas - what am I doing wrong? I have modified the non SMING examples without any issues