Sming - Open Source framework for high efficiency native ESP8266 development

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By Wiwat Arun
#25171 I am trying to use SMING FRAMEWORK. After install Eclipse, ..., Sming Example , I try to build the Basic_blink Project in the Eclipse. It returns 3 Files as follow

Generate eagle.flash.bin and eagle.irom0text.bin successully in folder out/firmware.
Checking for spiffs files
No files found in ./files.
Creating empty spiff_rom.bin (16384 bytes)

Then I used "NodeMCU Firmware Programmer" to flash the firmware into my NodeMCU v2 into specific addresses


It does not work.

So, Could you please give me advice on how to correctly flash the files into NodeMCU v2 ?

thank you.
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By Wiwat Arun
#25242 Thank you. Bhasden

Now, I did according to your recommendation.

Right_click on the project -> make target -> build -> flash. <while pressing flash button on NodeMCU>

Eclipse, now build and flash program into my NodeMCU. But it does not seem to work correctly.
For the basic_blink, the LED should blink in GPIO2 leg. My LED is always ON.

I might have done something wrong. ..
Any more advice ? thank you.
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By alonewolfx2
#25381 propably you are looking wrong pin. because nodemcu v2 has different pinout. did you looked nodemcu pinout