Sming - Open Source framework for high efficiency native ESP8266 development

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By batman masterson
#27410 I installed all the requisite stuff via chocolatey on my Win 8.1 machine and looked at a couple of the samples but am at a loss trying to navigate my way through Eclipse to create a new project and get anything useful done. I've worked with C/C++ for 20+ years and thought that all my Eclipse experience with the Android SDK would help me out here, but I'm just staring at a bunch of menu options wondering what to do next.

Can anyone provide a Sming for Dummies post to help me get started? I guess I'm not as smart as I thought I was. Even starting a new empty project and including the sming libraries has me baffled.
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By kenn
#27580 some quick ideas

- have you tried opening, building and flashing any of the examples (C:\Espressif\examples\) supplied with the CHERTS UDK? This will confirm that your UDK and SDK install is working and that you have all the right files

- for the above, create a new eclipse workspace: (File -> Switch Workspace - > Other), then select the Examples dir. Then import one or more of the projects into eclipse (File -> Import -> General -> Existing Projects into Workspace).

- for the above examples, select the project you want to play with from the Package Explorer window. The build commands are in the Project menu. I flash these ones separately using

If these build, flash and run, your dev environment is OK; now you can move to the Sming projects.

- create a new workspace as above for the Sming examples, and import the examples. Open one of the Sming example projects (eg Basic_Blink).

- I suggest putting in a few hours building some of the supplied Sming examples to confirm they build and flash, and when it comes time to start a new project, pick the Sming example that's closest to your requirement, and clone & rename the project folder. Much much easier than starting from scratch.

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By batman masterson
#27583 Thanks very much, it does indeed help.

I had already imported the samples into my workspace and built (but stopped short of actually flashing) a few of them. Once I understood the event model I thought I'd try reimplementing one of my Arduino projects under Sming, and that's where I failed miserably on just getting a basic skeleton project started from scratch. Your suggestion of simply cloning one of the samples to get all the boilerplate stuff in place was a facepalm moment for me -- why didn't I think of that? Thanks!