Sming - Open Source framework for high efficiency native ESP8266 development

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By helpme
#27673 Given that there are internal pull-resistors that can be enabled inside ESP8266, is it necessary to place pull-up resistors for I2C pins? Am I right that the i2c pins are GPIO 0 (SCL) and GPIO 2 (SDA)? By the way, is the SMING i2c library based on Arduino?
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By kenn
#27729 I've tried DS18B20 and DHT11 sensors on ESP8266, and in both cases I needed to add 4.7k pullups, as Martin suggests. I think the pullup is part of the 1-wire and I2C standards, and some devices can even draw power from their data line ("parasitic" power).

And yes, alot of the Sming libraries come from Arduino.