Sming - Open Source framework for high efficiency native ESP8266 development

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By voyo
#41716 Hi!
Can you explain in few sentences what are advantages of RTOS SDK in comparison to NONOS SDK ?
(and what are possible drawbacks too)
If possible could you point to some good reading on this topic also ?
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By PT_Dreamer
voyo wrote:Hi!
Can you explain in few sentences what are advantages of RTOS SDK in comparison to NONOS SDK ?
(and what are possible drawbacks too)
If possible could you point to some good reading on this topic also ?

I'm not very familiar with the ESP SDK but generally the advantages of an RTOS are the use of tasks handled by a scheduler with all the inter task communication and synchronization support (mutexes, queues, semaphores, etc). This enables a higher level of abstraction since each task is "separated" from the others and contains its own context.
The disadvantages are ROM and RAM overhead.
Information about FreeRTOS can be obtained for FreeRTOS is just a particular flavor of RTOS, which seems to be the one chosen by the ESP manufacturer. There are others (in my opinion better) open source alternatives to it though.