I try to use google protobuf in SmingRTOS and for example
in file: google/protobuf/message.h
where source is:
template<typename PB>
inline const RepeatedPtrField<PB>& Reflection::GetRepeatedPtrField(
const Message& message, const FieldDescriptor* field) const {
return *static_cast<RepeatedPtrField<PB>* >(
MutableRawRepeatedField(const_cast<Message*>(&message), field,
FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE, -1,
I get:
Description Resource Path Location Type
expected a type, got '2' message.h /RTOS-Stepper-DM542/app/google/protobuf line 846 C/C++ Problem
thats because PB is defined in SmintRTOS file pins_arduino.h like:
#define PB 2