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Re: No WiFi after Flash Basic 3.0.Alpha 65

PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 11:26 pm
by heckler
Hey Dilettante,

Have you been successful at flashing the Basic OS into any esp module??
Are you selecting the correct Ram size when flashing??
Read the part number of the flash chip and make sure it is the size you believe it to be.
Do you have another module to try ?
Be sure to take advantage of the feedback you get from the serial port when the module boots up and tries to connect to your chosen wifi.

0▒n?▒4▒!▒▒▒▒OSAJ▒▒HTTP Port: 80
ESP Basic 3.0.Alpha 65
MAC: 1A:FE:34:D4:E1:60

Connected to infected
IP address :

the above is what I see when I boot up my nodemcu and watch the serial port.
In this case it is connecting to my local lan and printing out the assigned IP address of
I can then direct my PC browser to that address and will be presented with the espBasic web page.

just a couple of things to check.

Re: No WiFi after Flash Basic 3.0.Alpha 65

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2016 1:13 pm
by yodandy
I'm having the same exact issue.

Re: No WiFi after Flash Basic 3.0.Alpha 65

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2016 4:03 pm
by joeygbsn
Hey I had connectivity issues like this before and realized it was being caused by my cheap breadboards. I could flash nodemcu on the boards and everything would work fine, but when using espbasic I couldn't connect. After pulling the esp's out of the breadboards and just letting it sit on a table they work flawlessly. Not sure if this will work for you or why it works for me but I've been trying to stay away from using breadboards with these now.

Re: No WiFi after Flash Basic 3.0.Alpha 65

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2016 6:56 pm
by dilettante
Thanks for ideas.

I have a second identical unit but so far I've kept it pristine and haven't wanted to try flashing it yet. I almost think Basic just isn't compiled properly for these devices. NodeMCU LUA works fine.

LUA also reports 4MB and I can't think of anything to indicate that it could be lying. The flash chip is inside the "can" of the AI-THINKER module on the devkit board so I can't inspect it for a part number.

The serial port tells me nothing. All I ever see is a few spewed garbage chars on reboot after flashing Basic onto the device.

The "cheap breadboard" idea has some merit as a wild guess I suppose, but then why would the LUA firmware work fine? I may pry the board out again for a test though since I can't be sure I tried this already. I just hate to risk bending pins.

I see the same issues even trying Basic V2 firmware. So either I have a bad board (seems unlikely), or Basic just wasn't built right for these modules, or... ? Has anyone had success with ESP Basic on 2nd generation V1.0/V2 boards instead of the older V0.9/V1 boards? Yes, it seems odd these have two version numbers that appear to overlap but it seems we're stuck with it.

One more note in case it helps identify the board. This one has the blue LED on the ESP8266 module itself next to the antenna trace, not on the devkit main board.