A Basic Interpreter written from scratch for the ESP8266

Moderator: Mmiscool

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By yodandy
#60105 Thanks for your response heckler. In your example it looks like you had previously given the hardware your wifi information, hence it connecting upon boot?

I'm trying to get the module to become it's own Access Point for the first time using these instructions: https://www.esp8266basic.com/flashing-instructions.html

After attempting the flash firmware, I get the same garbage. It looks like the flashing tool stays in some sort of terminal mode after a firmware flash attempt, as pressing the reset button on the module spits out the same garbage characters inside the flashing tool window. Exiting out of the flashing tool and watching the terminal inside putty spits out the same garbage characters upon reboot of the module.
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By forlotto
#60112 Okay time to try something different here give me a bit I'll have it up and running if anyone cares to test I am going to post an old version of basic with flasher just want to see how things function will need a few to upload it to my the OTA server and post a link to the zip file.

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By forlotto
#60113 http://esp8266basicota.tk/ESPBASIC%20OLD%20FLASHER.zip

Try this and tell me how things go. From there if you want you can follow my guide and do the OTA update.
