Current News

Moderator: Mmiscool

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By Mmiscool
#44752 Hello,

ESP BASIC has come a log way in the past few months. There have been tremendous speed improvements. The editor interface has become better. You can now upload programs via the file browser page and more. There is the new parsing engine that makes doing any kind of math much better.

There is still work to be done. We are looking for feed back on the the latest build. It would be appreciated if you could do some testing and report any bugs you might find. We want to get most of this ironed out in the current build. Make sire it is stable.

Thanks for using ESP8266 Basic and I hope this positive journey continues with all the bumps soothed out the road.
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By viscomjim
#44764 Hey Mike, been following the updates for a while, waiting for a "stable" version before going too much further. You had mentioned somewhere that the 4M version wasn't working correctly. Is this now fixed? All my boards are 4M so I was waiting before updating as it is hard to pinpoint whether I am doing something wrong or a bug...

If good to go, then I am excited to try all the new features you added. This is turning out to be a real winner. I appreciate all the hard work you guys are putting into this!!!!

Let the fun begin!
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By Mmiscool
#44767 If the 4m version is giving you trouble there are 2 solutions.

You can flash one of the other size versions or run the formatting tool. Flash the formatting tool. turn on your serial terminal. Reset the module until it displays 1 for a successful format. Then flash the 4m version Should work then.

Flashing the 1m or 2m versions on a 4 m module will have no problem. Just the file system will have less space to hold programs and uploaded files.