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Re: New build. Edit html, css, ect in browser. Rename files

PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 3:28 pm
by forlotto
You mean there is everything on this build except for the kitchen sync?

LOL had to do it grammar nazi this one :P

First it was synk, next it was sink. Love it though it is interesting to see people who are not 100% on their grammar just like myself. I often think mmiscool does it for a little humor though from time to time or so it would seem.

Anyhow so far so good.

I would still like to suggest something for a future build:

The ability to change the Device ID so it shows up in your router device listing as whatever you wish to call it.

Example instead of it being called ESP_78456D or whatever it would be cool if you could name it according to what it is for instance LivingRmLightDimmer.

Also If you would take the time to test my script with the hardware for AC lighting you would notice that the fun button which is a cycle from low to high to low with the newer build it seems as if the ESP is waiting for return data in the browser or something for too long to complete the task. So either it is a timer on the esp waiting for the routine to end or it does require a return that it is not getting correctly.
Code: Select allbutton "OFF" [OFF]
button "1" [1]
button "2" [2]
button "3" [3]
button "4" [4]
button "5" [5]
button "fun" [fun]

pwo D4 0
pwo D4 0

pwo D4 180

pwo D4 200

pwo D4 220

pwo D4 260

pwo D4 400

pwo D4 180
delay 100
pwo D4 200
delay 100
pwo D4 220
delay 100
pwo D4 240
delay 100
pwo D4 260
delay 100
pwo D4 280
delay 100
pwo D4 300
delay 100
pwo D4 320
delay 100
pwo D4 340
delay 100
pwo D4 360
delay 100
pwo D4 380
delay 100
pwo D4 400
delay 100
pwo D4 380
delay 100
pwo D4 360
delay 100
pwo D4 340
delay 100
pwo D4 320
delay 100
pwo D4 300
delay 100
pwo D4 280
delay 100
pwo D4 260
delay 100
pwo D4 240
delay 100
pwo D4 220
delay 100
pwo D4 200
delay 100
pwo D4 180
delay 100
pwo D4 160

Finally I also noticed that my variation of wifi setup code seems to be hanging up as well it just sits idle and continues to load which makes no since as in older prior builds the code ran just fine to be rather honest.

Code: Select allbutton "Set Wifi Settings" [WifiSettings]
let listWifis = ""
n = wifi.scan()
n = n - 1
html "Number of network found = "
html n
for x = 1 to n
let listWifis = listWifis & wifi.ssid(x)
let listWifis = listWifis & ","
next x
wprint "<br>Select SSID: "
dropdown listWifis selectedWifi
wprint "<br>Password: "
passwordbox networkPW
button "Connect To Wifi" [connectWifi]
wprint "Standalone Access Point (AP) without connecting to your wifi use this! <br> <br> Enter AP Name: "
textbox networkSSID
wprint "<br>Enter AP Password: "
passwordbox networkPWap
wprint "<br>"
button "Start AP" [StartAP]
wprint "<br>"
ap networkSSID networkPWap
connect selectedWifi networkPW

Note I have attempted these codes both while running off my wifi and in AP mode connecting to the device directly No luck with either mode.

Dunno if this is worthy of immediate attention or not but either way thought it was worth the mention.

Thanks for the updates!

Re: New build. Edit html, css, ect in browser. Rename files

PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 6:30 pm
by Mmiscool
i just tested your dimmer code. In ap mode i get a connection timed out. When connected to my router it just takes a moment for the browser to get there. The esp can not return a page until it hit the wait command so having the delays in there could cause the browser to fail to get a response.

Re: New build. Edit html, css, ect in browser. Rename files

PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 7:06 pm
by forlotto
Hrmmm I did do a webpage with buttons that basically stays static ;) But I'll have to test it on the file manager to see how it fairs .... One thing about the file manager.

The public and private parts did not make any sense to me how do you make some code private and other code public?

The explanation was kind of confusing for me you talked about public and private but didn't tie them together right I don't think in your explanations of uploads etc... Maybe I have to read it a few times for it sink in IDK?

Re: New build. Edit html, css, ect in browser. Rename files

PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 9:19 pm
by Mmiscool
Any thing you upload is by default public. It is placed in the /uploads/filename.ext

Similarly if you set the name of a file in the file editor to one that is in the public uploads directory it will be available publicly from the esp using the http://xx.xx.xx.xx/file?file=filename.ext

If you upload a file and wish to not have it accessible in this meaner you must rename it removing it from the uploads directory. To do this you select the file from the file manager and click the rename button.

An example of this is you upload a bas file you wish to use as your default program. When you upload it it will be named "/uploads/default.bas"

You must rename it to "/default.bas" in stead.