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Re: Looking for feed back on the latest build.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 04, 2016 6:26 am
by cicciocb
The tool is the same utility (ESP_Basic_flasher.exe).
Simply use the button format.

Re: Looking for feed back on the latest build.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 1:16 pm
by viscomjim
I am not sure what the actual problem is right now, but I will try and break the program down to see where it fails. This little program works very well under the "stable" version, but bombs in the 2.0 alpha version. I think I saw a thread where someone said that using a variable with the wget command wasn't working in the newest firmware, so I will try and start there for troubleshooting.

Code: Select allcls
button "Click to send " [checkit]
button "Exit " [Exit]
timer 30000 [checkit]
WBString = "api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?id=4174855&units=imperial&appid=yourapikeyhere"
a$ = wget(WBString)
'serialprintln a$

serialprintln json(a$,"description")
serialprintln json(a$,"temp")
serialprintln json(a$,"pressure")
serialprintln json(a$,"humidity")
serialprintln json(a$,"name")
serialprintln json(a$,"speed")
serialprintln json(a$,"deg")

let tim = json(a$,"dt")
let timj = unixtime(tim)
serialprintln ""
serialprint "unix time = "
serialprintln tim
serialprintln ""
serialprint "time = "
serialprintln timj
serialprintln ""

timer 0
wprint "<a href='/'>Menu</a>"

Re: Looking for feed back on the latest build.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 10:31 pm
by cwilt
It certainly is faster.

Re: Looking for feed back on the latest build.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 11:29 pm
by forlotto
FORMATTING TOOL ------------> Included in the basicflasher as part of the program be sure you follow the directions and wait the appropriate times.


Apologies I will do some testing this weekend had a brief moment on the PC today been a long month I've been wanting to post my latest project but while it is finished and working well there is some cosmetic things I would like to take care of with it right now it is kind of a mess need a nice box maybe I will just work on a video with all of my devices once I get all of the android programming finished as well. Either way I will attempt to do some testing this weekend would be excellent to get password code working correctly and see if that was fixed in the build I need to also refresh my memory on reading pin status.

There is a slight issue though I kind of screwed up I notice with the newer bins or possibly its the newer flash tool it does not allow me to flash in DIO mode which is required for one of my devices it would be excellent if you included this as an option for the mod esp8266 which allows for use of GPIO's 9 and 10 I believe it was if my memory serves me right.

Also just curious did you ever look into changing the device name of the esp8266.

Man I can see I am behind a bit got some catching up to do my job has been fairly crazy as of late...

Just wanted to drop a line and say thanks and I have not ignored the progress of you and ccioab heck you should have a features listing page of what is all available with each version this would be helpful while I know it takes time I know there are things I have just plain forgot about with all the updates as of late to me this is a good problem to have it means there has been an insane amount of progress in a short bit!

Thank You !

PS if you have tested the password code provided before I am interested in the results if not like I say I will test this weekend for sure possibly sooner but just don't want to make promises.