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Re: New branch and what will be happening over the next mont

PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2016 1:26 am
by viscomjim
Mike and cicciocb, this is great news! I am sure that your efforts allowed many more people to be able to use the esp that otherwise would have given up, like myself. All I can say is a big THANK YOU for not giving up this port, but continuing to make it sooo much better and powerful!

Re: New branch and what will be happening over the next mont

PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2016 6:40 am
by Electroguard
On a different but related note...
The new release 3 would be a good breakpoint for starting to document and formalise new versions releases.

Up to now we have had no idea what we were downloading until we flashed an esp with it and could then see what Alpha number it was loaded with.

I was just about to publish a Sonoff Mains Relay network node which was developed on Alpha 24, but the though occured to me as I was doing it that if it was popular, and a future release was to 'break it' and no longer be suitable, it's pointless knowing what older versions it does run on if there is absolutely no way to download anything prior to the latest broken releast.
That is really building in unavoidable and inevitable obsolescence.

At the very least, the latest Ver2 Alpha24 should still also be made available for all of the current examples and demos and projects and users - and upgrade to 3 ought to be a choice rather than an obligation, else what's to prevent all future development on 3 being made redundant by an early release of Ver4? ... Microsoft may not be the best role models, but they certainly show how NOT to manage new releases!

I.M.H.O. any new releases that introduce new features without breaking anything are a clean step forward, but any releases that break anything ought to be left available as the last working stepping-stone prior to that broken functionality for the sake of all those users who had committed time and effort to it.

Re: New branch and what will be happening over the next mont

PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2016 12:16 pm
by Mmiscool
The 2.0 branch and related documentation will be available on the site for some time.

The plan is to make the transition as painless as possible.

There is going to be such significant improvements that I think people will make the switch as soon as possible.

Just like last time when the parsing engine is implemented. The stable version (2.0) will be linked from the site and the new version (3.0) will be available for a while.

Older versions can always be downloaded from git hub as git hub has the complete version history of the project.

Re: New branch and what will be happening over the next mont

PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2016 1:10 am
by grzesiu
Hi Mike,
I saw that You post on github alpha version of brach 3.0, but I cant compile this using 2.0.0rc1 arduino core.
Which version arduino core You build this?