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Moderator: Mmiscool

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By Mmiscool
#27727 added mid function

mid("hello world",3,7)
returns "lo w"
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By xtal
#29056 been trying this for the last 3 hours....flash ok , but I connect to [ previously used nodeMCU]
I managed to save 1 file ... I was going to save your page source and change the window size to 45 rowes 150 columns , but could never save, What is the proper syntax for the following? Can you show a correct way to do this? :cry:
Can I reissue your page source by using
wprint {"<a href="./vars">[ VARS ]</a>
<a href="./edit">[ EDIT ]</a>
<a href="./run">[ RUN ]</a>
<a href="./settings">[ SETTINGS ]</a>
<form action='edit' id="usrform">
<input type="text" name="name" value="">
<input type="submit" value="Open" name="open">
<input type="submit" value="Save" name="save">
<textarea rows="45" cols="150" name="code" form="usrform">


like wise can I use write to store in flash
write {"<a href="./vars">[ VARS ]</a>
<a href="./edit">[ EDIT ]</a>
<a href="./run">[ RUN ]</a>
<a href="./settings">[ SETTINGS ]</a>
<form action='edit' id="usrform">
<input type="text" name="name" value="">
<input type="submit" value="Open" name="open">
<input type="submit" value="Save" name="save">
<textarea rows="25" cols="75" name="code" form="usrform">

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By Mmiscool
#29115 CUrrently you will have to compile the arduino source code to make that happen.

Modify the html stored in one of the variables at the top of the program .