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New bug fixes to gosub, if and variable assignment code

PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 9:31 pm
by Mmiscool
I did some bug fixes today. These are some serious issues that I am quite embarrassed were not caught until now.


Gosub and return work properly now.
There was a problem recording the return locations and the return command was going back to the top of the program. This has now been resolved.

There was a problem with variable assignment. If the command was not used it would ony work if the variable name was all lower case. This has been resolved now so variable names with mixed cases will work properly.
let Bla = "some junk" would work.
Bla = "some junk" would not work.

Also removed some debugging code left in the if then else command that would throw information about execute out on the serial terminal.

There is now a version number in the ESP8266 Basic interpreter. 1.01
The version number can be seen as the device boots on the serial terminal or on the settings page.