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Moderator: Mmiscool

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By Mmiscool
#34403 The following will now work.

Code: Select allpo D1 1
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By forlotto
#34653 NO WAY!

Can you use these for reading pins as well?
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By Mmiscool
#34655 Yes. This is for all of the i/o functions.
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By forlotto
Code: Select allif io(pi,D5) = 1 then print "Pin high" else print "pin low"

This does the trick then holy !moly It almost looks near plain english.

I like it a most excellent thing Thank You for this!

I really wish you would except some dogecoin I'd tip you a few bucks worth just for this ...

Take Care.

PS Dogecoin can easily be converted to Bitcoin and spent via then you can use purse io to spend on amazon or spend it directly at some merchants like fiverr, pexpeppers, newegg etc....
Crypto currencies are no joke anymore they are for real. The quicker the adoption rate the better it gets really putting money back into the hands of the people more or less. Our whole financial system as it is is basically digital currency as debt yet we think it is some great thing. The fiat currency is nothing more than faith based currency sure you might be FDIC insured but you are FDIC insured with paper notes. And as an old wise man said I think Hamilton all paper currency eventually returns to its original value. Zero. With crypto currencies there is rules for instance dogecoin has a rule that only allows 5billion more coins to be issued which is peanuts being as how it operates on an international scale. Americans spend 5 billion on a single military jet. So in truth what this does is keeps money in check no more debt based economics. People will have to operate with fairness in mind if you want them to except your currency or else people will instead migrate to another crypto currency if someone has monopolized everything. Payments are quick, secure, and require no bank account with minimal fees for transfer of money for dogecoin it is 1dogecoin per transfer. I dunno I think I am more into the economic revolution this will bring than anything. And the kicker is dogecoin and other coins are now being used by 12yr old kids what do you think they are going to say to banks when they are told you have to wait 3 days for your money to transfer... Likely piss off or something of that nature lol I give it a good 6 years from now and you will see waves in the digital currency market maybe not even.

Anyhow enough babbling ...

Thank You Thank You Thank You
Very greatful for the improvements to the IDE.